The particulars of any arrangements that exists for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof the Institute is guided and supported by Institute Management Committee (IMC) and Research Advisory Committee (RAC). Both the IMC and RAC have two members in its composition who are drawn from the public, who take active part in the deliberations and decisions of these committees. The IMC guides and supports the Institute by periodic review of programmes and approval of investments in new areas of research and education, training programmes, workshops and seminars. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) provides broad guidelines and assists in developing and implementing specific research programmes and projects.
The prescribed guidelines/norms/rules/procedures of the NIASM/ICAR are followed in carrying out the mandated activities of the Division in the area of research, trainings and extension activities. The relevant documents, reports, references materials, NIASM website etc. are referred and consulted for implementing the specified activities and programmes of the Division.
1. Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU)
The Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) functions under the supervision of the Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC), the highest decision making body responsible for deciding on all issues of IP management and technology transfer/commercialization, as per "ICAR Guidelines for Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/ Commercialization" effective October 2006.
The objectives of ITMU are as follows:
2. Publication Unit
An important mandate of the Institute is to develop an information system, add value to information and share the information nationally and internationally. The Publication Unit discharges this function by bringing out several regular and adhoc publications both in English and Hindi. It is the nodal point for compilation, editing, monitoring, and control.
The Unit assigns Institute Continuous Number (ICN) for technical bulletins/publications brought out by NIASM both in English and Hindi. For this purpose, a separate register for English and a separate register for Hindi are maintained. The Unit also allots International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for publications, which are in the nature of a manual, handbook, text book, etc. For this purpose, the Institute has received ISBNs in bulk from the Raja Rammohan Roy National Agency for ISBN, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. However, the ISBNs allotted by the Institute will be subject to confirmation by the National Agency for ISBN before printing.
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