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Kumar M, Raina SK, Govindasamy V, Singh AK, Choudhary RL, Rane J, Minhas PS (2017). Assimilates mobilization, stable canopy temperature and expression of Expansin stabilizes grain weight in wheat cultivar LOK‑1 under different soil moisture conditions. Botanical Studies. 58: 14.
Kumar M, Govindasamy V, Rane J, Singh AK, Choudhary RL, Raina SK, George P, Aher LK, Singh NP (2017). Canopy temperature depression (CTD) and canopy greenness associated with variation in seed yield of soybean genotypes grown in semi-arid environment. South African J. Botany. 113:230-238.
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Chandan, N.K., Singh, N.P. (2017). Dietary zinc potentiates thermal tolerance and cellular stress protection of Pangasius hypophthalmus reared under lead and thermal stress. Aquaculture Research. DOI: 10.1111/are.13560
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Kumar, P. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Zinc nanoparticles potentiates thermal tolerance and cellular stress protection of Pangasius hypophthalmus reared under multiple stressors. Journal of Thermal Biology, 70: 61–68
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Gupta, S.K. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Selenium nanoparticles enhanced thermal tolerance and maintain cellular stress protection of Pangasius hypophthalmus reared under lead and high temperature. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. S1569-9048(17)30252-5
Choudhary, R.L., Wakchaure, G.C., Minhas, P.S. and Singh, A.K. (2017). Response of Ratoon Sugarcane to Stubble Shaving, Off-barring, Root Pruning and Band Placement of Basal Fertilisers with a Multi-purpose Drill Machine. Sugar Tech 19(1):33–40. DOI 10.1007/s12355-016-0438-x.
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Oxidative and cellular stress as bioindicators for metals contamination in freshwater mollusk Lamellidens marginalis. Environmntal Scinece and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9266-0
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Brahmane, M.P., Gupta, S.K., Kumar, P. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Temperature induces lead toxicity in Pangasius hypophthalmus: An acute test, antioxidative status and cellular metabolic stress. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s13762-017-1364-5.
Basavaraj, S., Deb, R., Raina, S.K., Pawar, S.S., Brahmane, M.P., Nirmale, A.V., Kurade, N.P., Reddy, G.B.M., Bal, S.K. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Untranslated regions (UTRs) orchestrate translation reprogramming in cellular stress responses. Journal of Thermal Biology, 65: 69–75.
Bhagat, K.P., Bal, S.K., Singh, Y., Potekar, S.V., Saha, S., Ratnakumar, P., Wakchaure, G.C. and Minhas, P.S. (2017). Effect of reduced PAR on growth and photosynthetic efficiency of soybean genotypes. Journal of Agrometeorology 19(1): 1-9.
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Kumar, P., Jha, A.K., Gupta, S.K. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Dietary zinc promotes immuno-biochemical plasticity and protects fish against multiple stresses. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 62: 184-194.
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Meena, K.K., Gupta, S.K. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Oxidative and cellular metabolic stress of Oreochromis mossambicus as biomarkers indicators of trace element contaminants. Chemosphere. 171: 265-274
Kumar, N., Krishnani, K.K., Gupta, S.K. and Singh, N.P. (2017). Cellular stress and histopathological tools used as biomarkers in Oreochromis mossambicus for assessing metal contamination. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 49: 137-147.
Kumar, M., Raina, S.K., Govindasamy, V., Singh, A.K., Choudhary, R.L., Rane, J. and Minhas, P.S. (2017) Assimilates mobilization, stable canopy temperature and expression of expansin stabilizes grain weight in wheat cultivar LOK-1 under different soil moisture condition. Botanical Studies. 58:14.
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